Press Releases


Advocates, researchers and hearing health care professionals urge the Government of  Canada to act first … and act now.  

March 1, 2023 – Toronto ON: Canada is on the cusp of a potential public health crisis as the  number of Canadians with some degree of hearing loss is expected to substantially increase as  our population ages, and noise-induced hearing damage among young people rises. Swift and  decisive action is therefore required by the government to create a bold, ambitious National  Hearing Health Strategy.  

To achieve this goal, the Hearing Health Alliance of Canada (HHAC) urges the Government of  Canada to establish a multi-stakeholder committee to facilitate a national dialogue, foster stakeholder collaboration, and crystalize a pan-Canadian effort to develop a comprehensive  National Hearing Health Strategy.  

The HHAC’s call to action – Towards a National Hearing Health Strategy: An Agenda for Change – is backed by an abundance of research and statistics and is a low-cost initiative that has the  potential to provide tremendous health and socio-economic benefits for all Canadians. It also aligns with a World Health Organization (WHO) resolution, which urges all member states,  including Canada, to develop a national framework and recognize hearing loss as a public health  issue and an essential component of universal health coverage.  

Unless measures are taken in the near term, the costs of hearing loss will continue to rise with an  enormous impact on the government-funded health care system, and the Canadian economy in  terms of lost productivity, career, educational and training opportunities, employee earnings, and  tax revenue. Meanwhile, the quality of life for Canadians with hearing loss will continue to decline.  

To view our call to action, please visit: 

For additional information, please contact:  

Daniel Tessier-Young, National Coordinator 

Hearing Health Alliance of Canada 
